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DIY@DG | Dollar General
DIY@DG | Dollar General

2020 Glitter Candles

Level of difficulty: Beginner

Glitter in the new year with 2020 glitter candles!

Let’s Do This!

Step 1:
Use a medium grit sandpaper on the outside of the candle to help the paint stick. Next, use a sponge brush to paint the outside of the candle with black craft paint. Let dry.
Step 2:
Place number sticker in the center of the candle. To make the gradient glitter effect, divide the gold and iridescent glitter into four cups. First cup holding all gold glitter, second holding half iridescent and half gold, third holding 1/3 gold with 2/3 iridescent, and the fourth holding all iridescent.
Step 3:
Use sponge brush to create sections of glue on the candle. Cover each section with a cup of glitter, starting with gold on the bottom and working your way upwards.
Step 4:
Remove number stickers before glue dries. This will make for an easy removal.
Step 5:
Candles are for decorative purposes only. Try this technique on a flameless candle to add some illumination!
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