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DIY@DG | Dollar General

Super Dad Card

Level of difficulty: Beginner

Let your Dad know that he’s your hero with this fun and simple father’s day card.

Let’s Do This!

Step 1:
(A.) Download and cut out the FREE Printable Files. (B.) With the red stripes facing your work surface, fold the two sides inwards following the dark dotted lines to meet in the middle.
Step 2:
(A.) Fold the top, inner corners of each side downward to make the collar. (B.) Hot glue three white buttons to the right side, equally spaced.
Step 3:
Apply tacky glue to the right side of the bottom of the tie and position in place, trying to cover the white buttons.
Step 4:
Apply tacky glue to the center area of the open card. Place the insert.
Step 5:
(A.) Paint tacky glue to the red areas of the DAD graphic. (B.) While the paint is wet, top with red glitter. (C.) Decorate with glitter stars.
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