You will love this image transfer technique! Use our free downloads to create a tropical frame or use your own prints and patterns to create endless combinations.
Step 1:
(A.) Brush on tacky glue to entire frame. (B.) Lay the wooden frame face over top of the downloadable pattern. Be sure to firmly press the paper down and smooth out any wrinkles or bubbles. Let dry for a few minutes. (C.) Take a wet paper towel and rub the frame to remove the paper and reveal the transferred pattern! (D.) Continue until the entire frame has the pattern. It’s okay if some of the wood Shows through; it adds to the vintage look!
Step 2:
(A.) Mix together your blue and black and paint and carefully brush onto the inside and outside edge of the frame. (B.) Take the jute and wrap around 3x near the inside edge of the interior corners. Hot glue to secure. (C.) Repeat the same at the top of the frame. Start on the left side and wrap around 3x, making sure to keep about 5-6” of loose twine before starting on the right side. (D.) After the right side is done, secure in place with hot glue.
Step 3:
Cut out the ‘Aloha’ download and place inside the frame.