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DIY@DG | Dollar General
DIY@DG | Dollar General

Glitter Star Tree Topper

Level of difficulty: Intermediate

All you need are a few simple craft items to create this sparkly tree topper.

What You’ll Need:

Let’s Do This!

Step 1:
Cut ten, 12” long, strips of silver and gold glitter tape.
Step 2:
Remove the release paper from the back of one gold and one silver tape strip. Adhere the two tape strips together to make a reversible silver and gold strip. Repeat this step for the remaining glitter tape strips.
Step 3:
Take two tape strips (silver side up), cross them in the center, and glue into place. Add two more strips to the right and left sides of the center strip, alternating one strip on top, then one strip on bottom, to begin a weave pattern.
Step 4:
Twist and attach the corner strips perpendicular to each other, revealing the gold glitter side of each strip. Repeat in all 4 corners. (Twist and glue “A” to “A” then Twist and Glue “B” to “B.”)
Step 5:
Repeat steps 1-4 to create a second, identical star.
Step 6:
Now that you have two stars, flip one upside down and rotate 45 degrees. Place the star facing up on top of the second star and glue the points of each star to the corresponding strips underneath.
Step 7:
For extra stability, hot glue the wooden dowels to the inside of the connected star, making sure the dowels stay hidden from the front. (Optional: You can spray paint your dowels silver or gold before gluing them to the star.)
Step 8:
Add extra sparkle by hot gluing the adhesive pearls to the front of your star.
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